Hello, World!

Well, as you can see I've finally gotten around to setting up my webpage to be a little bit more than just a bunch of links to contact me through, I've added a blog section! I'm writing the css and getting into the groove of all the html boilerplate I'll have to put in these posts for it all to work right (yes I'm writing all the content of the site manually right now) at the time of writing this so this first post is really just a test page so I can see how it all looks.

If you've made it all the way to this blog post ( I'm assuming you must have read each and every one of my posts, however far in the future you are :p ) then I guess you've reached the end! Hopefully whenever you're reading this there actually is any other posts otherwise this part might seem a little embarassing... If not, I suppose I should give a little introduction to the kind of things I expect to put up here.

The first type of post will probably be little explanations or articles (I don't quite want to call them tutorials since thats a style of writing I'm not very good at) about various problems or tasks I found interesting enough whilst developing games in the Godot Engine, probably including a lot of pictures and code snippets (and personal game-dev opinions, which are subject to change).

The second kind of post, if it appears at all, will just be random rants I want to go on without going over the character limit of whatever micro-blogging service I'm on at the time (or without bugging my followers). These might end up in a little cordoned off section of the site so you don't have to read through 300 words of me complaining about a weird layout that annoyed me on an elevator control panel or whatever when you just want to find out my opinion on some equally irrelevent nitpick about game-dev.